Rabu, 25 Januari 2017

Food and Beverage Operations



Picture Set Up Table in The Breakfast

Food service Operations as we know them today in the hotels and motels evolved from early inns and other rest shelters for travelers. travelers in the ancient times needed "bed and board", along with the accomodation and food, many inns also provided alcoholic beverages and entertainment for their guest. inn keeper prepareds meals from whatever food was available. there was usually plenty of wine and beer, plus cheese, vegetables, and a variety of cakes and buns. meat, if available, include goat, beef, lamb and fish. by the time of the roman empire, inns were commonplace. 


EVERYTHING STARTS with the menu. The Menu dictates much about how your operation will be organized and managed, the extent to which it will meet its goals, and even how the building itself – certainly the interior – should be designed and contructed. For the guest, the menu more than just a list of available foods, for the prodution employees, the menu dictates what foods must be prepared, for the manegers, the menu is the chief- in-house marketing and sales tool. The menu alo tells them what food and beverages must be purchased, the types of equipment they have to have, the number of workers they must hire, the skill level of those workers – in short, the menu has an impact on almost every aspect of a food service operation. Menu Pricing Style There is a wide variety of menus,reflecting the wide variety of food service operations. Menu comes in all shapes and sized. Some are printedon parchment, others are written on a blackboard. But all menus can be categorized by how the menu items on them are listed and priced. Theere basic categories of menus are : • Table d’hote • A la carte • Combination table d’hote / a la carte 

Table d’hote menu

Picture Table d"Hote Menu
A table d’hote menu offers a complete meal for one price. Sometimes two or ore complete meals are offered on the menu, each meal having its own price. Some table d’hote menus offer guests limited choices within the meal they select. 

A la carte menu

Picture A la Carte Menu
With a la carte menu, food and beverages items are listed and priced separately. Guest need not to choose a meal that has been planned for them, they can choose from the various appetizers, entrees, side dishes, and dessert listed to make up their own meal. The prices of the menu items they select are added together to determine the cost of the meal. 


Combination Menu

Many operations have menus that are combination of the table d’hote menu and a la carte menu pricing styles. Table d’hote menus may offer a selection of individually priced desserts; many a la carte menus include a vegetable and potatoed or rice with the price of the entree. A few operations have combination menus that offer an extensive list of complete meal packages and an extensive a la carte section. Chinesse and other etnic – food restaurants are most likely to feature this type of combination menu. 



Picture Menu Schedule

Menu can also be categorized by how often they are used. Some operations have a fixed menu, other operation use cycle menu. 

Fixed menu


Picture Fixed Menu

Restaurant such as coffee shop and chain restaurants often use a single menu for several months (or longer) before replacing it with a new fixed menu. 


Cycle Menu


Picture Cycle Menu

Picture Cycle Menu 1

Cycle menu are designed to provide variety for the guests who eat at an operation frequently – or even daily. Institutional operations such as schools and hospitals frequently use cycle menus. Commercial opertions whose guest are likely to visit everyday – such as restaurants in isolated resorts, or downtown cafetarias – may use them.


Picture Type Of Menu
Menus can also be categorized by type. Theere basic types of menus are Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner menus – menu designed around the theere traditional meal periods. There are also a large number of specialty menu designed to appeal to a specific guest group or meet a specific marketing need.



Picture Breakfast

Breakfast menu are fairly standard. Most restaurants offer fruits, juices, eggs, cereals, pancakes, waffles, and meat suchas bacon, chicken, and beef. The keywords for the breakfast menu are simple, fast, in-expensive.


Picture Lunch Menu
Like breakfast guests, lunch guests are usually in a hurry. Therefore, lunch menus must also feature menu items that are relatively easy and quick to make. Sandwiches, soups, and salads are important in many lunch menus. 


Picture Dinner Menu

Dinner is the main meal of the day for the most people, and the menu items offered at dinner are heavier than character and more elaborate than those offered at breakfast or lunch. Dinner is more likely to be eaten in a leasurely fashion than brekfast or lunch because guests are often seeking a dinning experience or celebrating a special occasion at dinner. 


 Evaluating Menu

Picture Evaluating Menu
Picture Evakuating Menu 1

No matter how well planned and designed, a menu should be evaluated periodically, first of all management has to set standards that the menu is expected to help meet. For example, a standard for the lunch meal period might be, “The average guest check at lunch should be € 6.” A standard for dinner might be, “each dinner guest should order a food item in addition to the entree – an appetizer, a soup or salad, or a dessert.” If the standard are not meet, management must first determine if and to what extent other variables are contributing to the problem. 
Are food and beverage items meeting the operational’s quality standards ? 
are menu prices correct? 
Are food servers doing part to sell additional food items ? 
If these and other variables check out, then managers must take a serious look at the menu because the menu may not be doing its part to meet management’s goals. Management of Food and Beverage Operations. 

Picture Thai Restaurant

Keep this blog. you will need it and use it throughout your career. :) 

Author : Okky  

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